Monday, August 2, 2010

End of Season Reminders...

Hello friends and fans of Region 2!

There are many important deadlines coming up that you should be aware of...

1.)  Club Presidents and regional members who donate money to the AHS Endowment funds (Memorial or To Honor) should send these checks to Mary Lou Lundblade at the following address:

Mary Lou Lundblade
Endowments Chair
511 W. Ness St.
Valley Center, KS 67147-4920

2.)  We've almost reached August, so the September 1st deadline for receiving your nomination letters for Service and Personal Awards is just around the corner. I encourage each of you to consider those worthy individuals who have performed outstanding service in Region 2 to take a moment to write a letter supporting their nomination for the Regional Service Award. Or perhaps you know of those who deserve to be nominated for either the Helen Field Fischer Award, the Bertrand Farr Medal or the Moldovan Mentoring Award. The specific requirements for all of these awards can be found on the AHS website and in the 'Judging Daylilies' Handbook. A list of previous winners is also available on the website.
3.)  If you are an AHS Garden Judge, your ballot is due in just a few weeks.  If you lost yours, you can get a new one here.  Get it mailed to the AHS ASAP.  To date, only 19 of our 158 Garden Judges in Region 2 have returned their ballots.

4.)  Popularity Poll voting is going on right now.  As a service to its members and to the general public, each year the American Hemerocallis Society (AHS) conducts a popularity poll among its members to determine the favorite daylilies from each region. It is the hope of the AHS that this Popularity Poll presents a true picture of which daylilies perform well in a given area and which are best liked by the membership. Popularity polls are important to daylily growers -- both AHS members and nonmembers -- who make daylily selections for purchase.

Although our blooms are waning, there is still lots going on in our daylily community!  Dont miss the deadlines!

Picture above is H. 'Granite City Belle,' bybridized by Region 2 hybridizer and resident from my hometown in southern Illinois, Agnes Miller.

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